About us

Various technological equipment manufacturing and repairs are our main activities which include:

О нас
  • Dies for cold pressing.
  • Extrusion tools.
  • Extrusion dies.
  • Rubber seal dies.
  • Manufacturing of technical equipment for unplasticized or plasticized PVC profiles.
  • Electrosparking wire-cutting.

We cover the entire production cycle including:

  • Calculations and design.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Repairs of any complexity.
  • Startup and commissioning services.

The SG Company employs highly qualified staff with extensive experience in this area, and they will help you turn your most complex, unique, and extraordinary projects into reality.

Modern European and Japanese precision equipment allows us to carry out orders of any complexity in the shortest time possible and, importantly, with high accuracy. Due to high-precision products manufactured by our experienced specialists, using modern equipment, you will have no problems with the product quality.

We provide our customers with full maintenance and support, starting from design and ending with the customer’s production line commissioning.



Production of molds
and dies

Extrusion equipment

Dies for cold pressing

Cold pressing is a material deformation process used to change the shape and size the material.

Dies for cold pressing


5a Kashtanova St, Dnipro, Ukraine

Phone / Viber:
+38 (067) 634 12 40



9:00 - 17:00
Closed on Saturdays and Sundays